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Basics to the World

Hundreds of billions of US dollars’ worth of proven ore reserves lie in the Kosovo region. The focus is on chromite and ferro-nickel-ores as well as platinum, bauxite, cobalt, vanadium, lithium, rare earths and others (according to JORC - the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves- reports).

Kosovo immeasurably rich

Known for decades, but completely suppressed, Kosovo resembles a treasure trove of raw materials. Andreas Pumilia, Director of Chrom Kosova Schweiz AG, comments: To date, the public has mainly perceived negative clichés about Kosovo. It is seen as a poor, violent, dangerous and corrupt country. Only one of the clichés is true — guess which one!

Focus on Nickel, Chromium and rare Earths

Chrom Kosova Schweiz AG has proven reserves of various chromium and ferro-nickel deposits.

Chrom Kosova Schweiz AG — international flagship company

As a Swiss-Kosovo company under Swiss management, Chrom Kosova Schweiz AG strives for responsible mining operations in every respect. Experienced know-how carriers (founding members Marc Rich/Glencore) as well as experienced banking experts are building the company into a leading raw materials company.